Premier Admissions Planning & Mentoring

The premier program includes 4 hours of consulting by phone, video chat, or in person. This program also includes an additional 10 hours of support (student/parent emails, support for one summer application, and additional planning/research work by your consultant). This program is designed for a twelve month engagement at any point during freshman or sophomore year.

$2,999.00Purchase Now

Select Admissions Planning & Mentoring

The select program includes 7 hours of consulting by phone, video chat, or in person. The select program also includes 15 hours of additional support (student/parent email, support for up to two summer applications each academic year, additional research work by your coach, and resume writing). This program is designed to support students over an 18-24 month period beginning in grade 9 or 10.

$4,500.00Purchase Now

Our admissions planning and mentoring programs help students reflect upon their interests and goals through high school, preparing them to explore and take action. Our team will help prepare students for the admissions process.


Admissions Planning & Mentoring


Our planning and mentoring programs help students find schools that they will be excited to attend, regardless of the admission selectivity.

Admissions Planning and Mentoring programs provide students and parents with a strategic approach to the college admissions process. We work with the student to create a plan that is customized to meet his/her needs. There is a great deal of flexibility in how you can work with Road to College, and each plan is designed to help the student improve his/her admissions credentials, find programs and activities that will inspire and challenge him/her, and explore career, academics and colleges that fit his/her personality and career/college objectives.


The planning and mentoring service is best for students/families interested in working one-on-one with an admissions expert over an extended period of time.

Freshman/Sophomore Admissions Planning and Mentoring programs include:

  • Transcript and curriculum assessment and recommendations
  • Academic and career exploration
  • College fit assessment and school recommendations
  • Creation of an extracurricular plan
  • College search, fit and campus visit strategies
  • Unlimited email and text messaging access to your consultant
  • Your program includes a set number of hours consulting via video conference, phone, or in person

Need more information? Complete the information request form, or call 1.888.835.4620